【品牌】 Shirley Price
【品名】 Pure grapeseed oil 纯葡萄籽油
【规格】 125 ml
Due to Grapeseed Oils high linoleic acid value (greater than most other carrier oils), the oil is highly moisturising and is light for use in skin care. The oil absorbs very quickly into the skins pores making this excellent for a variety of skincare applications, especially when used as a base carrier oil for essential oil fragrances. Naturallythinking Grapeseed is especially useful for skin types that do not absorb oils too well, and it does not leave a greasy feeling. Grapeseed has natural non-allergenic properties.
For anybody considering massage - Grapeseed is an essential massage oil, being suitable on a wide variety of skin types and those with nut allergies. Grapeseed is the staple of most massage therapists.
Grapeseed makes an ideal base to combine other carrier oils into to make complex and tailored skin care and massage solutions. Combining Jojoba into Grapeseed makes an exceptional massage oil, whilst combining Sea Buckthorne into Grapeseed makes for a very special facial oil.
Vitamin A Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E
Grapeseed is an excellent massage oil and useful in creams and is a favourite for massage to avoid nut allergies. Remember combining Grapeseed Oil with around 5% of another carrier can turn it in a fantastic massage oil. Sea Buckthorn, Jojoba, Argan, Avocado all make wonderful additions.
葡萄籽油是酿制葡萄酒的副产品。呈浅绿色。含有丰富的维他命A, B, C, E,非常滋养保湿,不油腻,而且抗过敏,因此是按摩师的必备油,同时也是护肤品的重要原料。可以和绝大多数精油调和,用于护肤。适合各种肤质,尤其是敏感肤质。
【日常生活中怎样使用葡萄籽油 @ 】
葡萄籽油除了用来食用,也可以有更多的方法来使用的,葡萄籽油没有任何毒性的,无论男女老少均可食用的,还有葡萄籽油含有一些价值极高的物质,亚麻油酸和袁花色素,这两种物质可是抵抗氧化,消灭自由基的物质哦。 葡萄籽油有两种非常重要的素,亚麻油酸和原花色素。亚麻油酸可以抵抗自由基,抗老化,帮助吸收维生素C和E,强化循环系统的性,降低紫外线的伤害,保护肌肤中的胶原蛋白,改善静脉肿胀与水肿,预防黑色素沉淀。原花色素有保护血管性,保护肌肤免于紫外线的荼毒,预防胶原纤维和性纤维的破坏,使肌肤保持应有的性及张力,避免皮肤下垂及皱纹产生。渗透力强,清爽不油腻,极易被皮肤吸收,任何肤质均适用。 使用方法: 可直接涂抹单独使用,或以在10ml葡萄籽油中滴添加5-6滴纯植物精油。 护肤: 秋冬季节皮肤比较干燥,特别是手关节、脚关节以及肘部等部位容易干燥和产生皱纹,基础油具有滋润及保养作用,能胜肤恢复自然性。在普通干燥的时候可一星期擦三次,特别干燥的日子里可每日擦用。或每次洗澡后用于全身保养皮肤之用油,是理想的全身用油。 可直接涂抹或当与精油混合的基础油,温柔吸收的特性,更是理想的脸部及全身用油。
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